Weekends are already packed with soccer games, birthday parties and errands, how on Earth are we to be expected to clean the house on top of everything? We know it’s hard, so we’ve come up with some time-saving tips for you and your family to use to get your house ship-shape so when Monday comes you know your house can coast a few days and you can stay busy with play dates, soccer practice, more errands, and homework.
Declutter First
- Keep a laundry basket that has been designated for clutter and fill it a room at a time.
- If your children are old enough, one can be given the task of placing the clutter back in the bedrooms of the people to whom it belongs.
- We consider an unmade bed clutter too since it comes down to stuff, sheets, in this case, being where they should not be, in this case all over the bed.
- We recommend using a Covermade® Comforter Set. The specially designed comforter has a wide stretchy band that holds the foot in place so you can just pull the top up and into place and voila, your bed is made.
Have the Right Tools, and Have them Handy
- Put everything you need in a cleaning caddy so you don’t find yourself running back to the cupboard under the kitchen sink to get cleaning products.
- A few basic, multi-use items should be in the caddy.
- Get two lint free cloths, one damp and one dry to do the wet dusting, a feather duster for electronics and a disinfectant.
- Keep areas specific cleaning supplies, such as toilet cleaners in the area in which they will be used.Shop today for a Covermade® comforter set and save $40 on your first purchase.