You wake up in the morning and immediately start thinking about the day ahead—get showered and dressed, feed the dog, feed the kids, make coffee, put lunches together, get everyone together in the car with everything they need, and then zip off to get a million other little tasks done that day. The last thing on your mind is making your bed in the morning. We understand. That’s why Covermade is here.
Why is Bed-Making Important?
There is plenty of research and a multitude of sources who will argue for the importance of making your bed in the morning. The National Sleep Foundation found that you are 19% more likely to get a good night’s sleep if you slip into a neatly made bed. With a Covermade comforter, you’ll start off the night with the right amount of covers to keep you comfortable all night long. And it’s no doubt that a night of better sleep helps you wake up alert and ready to take on the day and everything it holds.
In another study, a staggering 71% of people who make their beds every morning reported themselves as leading happy lives, compared to a measly 38% of non-bed makers who reported themselves as happy. If a simple thing like making the bed can have such a profound impact on our attitudes, why wouldn’t we do it? With Covermade, you’ll find that your happiness increases just by how easy it is to make the bed every morning.
But it is Naval Adm. William H. McRaven who gives perhaps the most compelling reason for making your bed in the morning. He said,
“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another.”
You’ve got a lot on your plate, but starting the day with a small win can be incredibly powerful in producing a sense of accomplishment that persists for the rest of the day. Covermade makes that small win so easy, you’ll wonder why you didn’t switch to Covermade years ago.
But Still…
Bed making is another task added to your list. That’s why Covermade was designed. We started with the simple idea that making a bed (and gaining the benefits of doing so) should be easier. And with our simple elastic design, it is. Our patented comforter keeps covers in place as you toss and turn at night, so making the bed in the morning is as simple as smoothing out the wrinkles. Our super-stretchy elastic is also adjustable, which means you can still have plenty of freedom under the covers and never feel restricted.
Using the Covermade comforter is a breeze. With three simple steps, you’ll solve disruptive cover stealing at night and save yourself time in the morning—not to mention the already amazing benefits that occur from the simple act of making your bed.
Don’t let those benefits slip by. Try the Covermade comforter today. We’re so sure this will have you leaping up in the morning, excited to make the bed, that we offer a 100%, unconditional refund for products returned within 30 days of purchase!